Tuesday 21 October 2014

Chapter Six - Reincarnation

This is a story I have been writing outside of college.


Chapter Six:

I raise a finger and click the test icon.
"Jessica Zel, you are about to commence the test but first, do you have any questions?" The Voice asks.
There were no icons for yes or no or not sure so I just said:
I wait a few seconds before The Voice says:
'The test will now begin.'

The questions differentiate between strength and weakness.
For example: 'English - Who wrote A Streetcar Named Desire?" The Voice asks.
"Tennessee Williams," I answer.
"Correct," The Voice says.
"Answer this quadratic equation," The Voice asks.
"4x + 3y + 17 = 27 whereby X = 1 and Y = 2," I answer.
"Correct," The Voice says.
"What, according to the behaviorist approach in psychology, is classical conditioning?" The Voice asks.
I pause for a few seconds and try to think of an answer. I have never had a lesson in psychology before but I seem to remember my Mother saying something about learning through reinforcements and punishments.
"Is it learning through reinforcements and punishments. Like rewards or praise and a scolding or having something taken from you?" I ask.
A buzz fills the cylinder.
"Incorrect," The Voice says.
I sigh.
"However you were on the right lines. What you described is the other conditioning assumption in the behaviorist approach called Operant Conditioning. Classical Conditioning, according to the American behaviorist - Watson and the Russian behaviorist - Pavlov, is learning through association. For example learning to associate good behaviour with praise," The Voice says.
I nod.

The test goes on and I get the rest of my strengths questions right and most of the weakness questions wrong. The last question was music. In this question they played a song and told me to name it. This band has long since gone but I still recognise their music. They were an international phenomenon at one stage. I name the song and the band for good measure.
"Correct," The Voice says.
That is it.
Test over.

"You got six out of seven in the strengths section and two out of six in the weakness section," The Voice informs me.
Is that good? I ponder to myself. The screen goes blank and for a couple of seconds my heart races.
I am not a New Soul ... Am I?
Surely not!

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