Saturday 18 October 2014

Chapter Five - Reincarnation

The woman leads me to the glass cubical. As I step into, what I am calling, the transparent cylinder of doom, I turn my head slightly to see my Mother giving me a thumbs up and a grin. The red curtain of gloom cuts off my view of my Mother sharply. I have no choice but to turn my attention back to the transparent cubical or, more precisely, my future.

The woman shuts the door behind me and presses a button on the outside of the cylinder. She then steps back by the red curtain and gives me a nod. I'm hoping it was meant to encourage me.

"Jessica Zel, welcome to the annual Finding Your Soul test brought to you by Danny Frampton, our current leader in Government," A voice through a speaker formally says.
A panel comes up on one side of the cubical. It is a video.
"Hello young citizen of this fine society. You may recognise me. If you do not then I am Daniel Frampton, but please, call me Danny," A man on the screen says.
He has extremely dark hair. One might call it jet black hair, styled professionally, of course. Hazel eyes. So uncommon nowadays yet he has them. Mine are like dark chocolate, His is like caramel.

"Shortly, you will be have a brain scan and a short test in order to pin point your exact strengths and weaknesses and to determine whether you are a New Soul or an Reincarnation. If at the end of the test, should this screen go blank, you are free to go. If, however, the screen does not go blank, you will have the fortune of seeing this gorgeous face again and I shall guide you through the next steps should you need to take them," Danny says formally.
I nod in understanding.

"Before you take this test you have the right to know why it has become a necessity to do this process. Over one hundred years ago we were in a state of desperation. Thousands upon thousands of citizens were either unemployed or in jobs that did not physically or psychologically suit them. Only ten percent of the population was in a job that truly suited them. It affected the government a lot, as I am sure you can imagine. Many people who were not truly suited for Government were elected to represent our country. Even the Prime Minister at the time was not truly suited to his job. He got us into many wars across the world. Thousands of soldiers, air militants and navy sailors were killed. All for a pointless war. Debates became out of control. Full on arguments occurred and they caused many more wars. Eventually this Government stepped in and proposed a new idea and a new world. The world that you are currently living in. Now, to make sure that everyone is in the job that suits them we ask that every sixteen year old in the country takes the Finding Your Soul test. Good luck, young citizen of this fine country," Danny says and his face disappears off of the screen.

"Preparing for brain scan, please stand still," The voice from the speaker says.
A red light appears from where Daniel Frampton's face was and covers my face. My eyes narrow as all I see is red. Red alludes my vision for about thirty seconds and then the brain scan is over.

A panel appears again.
"Touch strengths to see strengths and touch weaknesses to see weakness. After doing so click on the test button for the short test," The voice says.
I raise my index finger and touch the strengths icon.
"Jessica Elizabeth Zel, your strengths are ..." The Voice says.
On the screen is a list of my strengths.
I stand there, confused. Geography? Since when was I good at that? I put my finger on Weaknesses.
"Jessica Elizabeth Zel, your weaknesses are...." The voice says.
Once again a list comes up.
I nod taking in all of this information. Not a single one of the weaknesses surprised me.

Seven strengths.
Six weaknesses,
One test.
One result.

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