Saturday, 18 October 2014

Twitter Fiction

We had to write a piece of fiction but in the twitter style using only 140 characters. Here's mine:

Geese. I hate them. Don't laugh. I'm a little yellow duckie. They chase me. #meanies #nowduckiechasesback be afraid geese. Be afraid.

Tears slip down her face. Alone. That's what she is, but she is determined not to be. Determined. She will not stand for bullying any more.


  1. Interesting to say the least. You have quite a bit of Twitter experience under your belt so that must've come in handy while writing this. It couldn't have taken that to write this. What did you think when this assignment was given?

    1. Yes I do have quite a bit of experience.

      It didn't take very long at all. I finished within five minutes.

      I thought HA easy peasy lemon squeazy. I wanted to differentiate my twitter fictions though so I made one comedic and one that pulled on the heart strings. The first one I read out got a few chuckles and then in workshop mine was pulled out by another student because she liked the way I repeated a few bits and the way that it tugged on the heart strings in so few words.
