Friday, 17 October 2014

Chapter Four

Hey all. This is a story that I am writing outside of class. Enjoy. Comment praise and criticism please.


Chapter Four:

The walk towards the hall is a short one and one I will always remember. The way it was silent all the way through. The way i kept wiping my hands on my school trousers to remove the sweat that had accumulated during the short walk. The way Mother's back subconsciously straightened when we neared the automatic doors. I hate automatic doors; you cannot escape them. By that I mean when you get close enough for the sensors to know of your existence then you have to go through the open doors. If anyone is in the next room then the sound of the doors opening alerts them and they expect someone to walk through. If no one does walk through then it arouses suspicion and suspicion in this world is very dangerous.

Mother and I walk through the automatic doors. Both of us have been here many a time. Obviously I have beeen here more than Mother has. This hall holds anything from debating and parents evenings to concerts and examinations. I never took part in concerts as i cannot sing to savw my life. Think of the most disgusting type of music you can think of. Proliferate the disgusting factor by one hundred and make sure that it's out of tune and you might just might have the gist.
Debating is what i spent most of my time in the hall doing. Mother always came to my debates. No matter ehat subject i was debating about she was there. Parents evening was always interesting. Various debates teachers have all said that 'Miss Zel has quite a mouth on her when it comes to debating.'  Mother would always smile at that.

The hall looked the same as usual. The wooden flor had patches where some of the panels had not been varnished or where the varnish had been scuffed by shoes and worn off. There are several examination tables set up with a teacher sat behind them. I halt in my tracks when i see the curtain rise and a student stepping out of a glass cubical. Mother pulls me to one side and studies me closely.

"Whatever happens, handle it like an adult," She says.
"What is going to happen Mother? In that cubical i mean," I demand to know.
Mother looks at the stage quickly and then turns her attention back to me.
"They scan your brain, look for strengths and weaknesses and test them," Mother tells me.
There has to be more; this information alone cannot be enough to tell whether soneone has had a past life or not.
"Ok. What else?" I ask.
Mother looks at me with confusion in her face.
"That's it," She says.
"It's too simple," I state.
"Well i got my results with just that tested," Mother says.
Mother got her New Soul result by just having her brain scanned and a short test. So what happens if you are not a New Soul? What happens if you are an Reincarnation?

"Come on Jessica, that lady over there is staring at us so i think we had better get your test done sooner rather than later," Mother says and i look instinctly over at a woman who had her eyes trained on me and my Mother. The woman beckons me over with her hand. I sigh.
"Ok. If i have to," I say.

I walk over to the woman who beckoned me over and smile at her as i approach the desk.
"Hello and who do I have here?" The woman asks.
"Jessica Elizabeth Zel," I answer.
Mother places her hand on my back.
"I am her Mother," She says.
The woman looks up and looks astounded that we are even related. I can see where she is coming from. I inherrited all of Father's looks. We do not look related at all.
"If you would like to come this way, Miss Zel?" The woman asks rhetorically and she gets up and walks towards the stage where the glass cubical is.

I have no choice but to follow her.

You cannot risk suspscion in a world like this.

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