Saturday, 1 November 2014

A Story Of A Teddy Bear

Hello. My name is Angelica. I am pretty normal if I say so myself. The neighbours so not like me. I think they are jelous of my fine establishment. I am, if I am honest, pretty well off.  Let me tell you how my story starts and maybe we will get to the end.

It all started when I aas only a child. Young. Carefree and without any responsibilities at all.My fur was just beginning to get that shiny look that adult bears had. Although secretly I think that they use something else to make their fur shiny because I try all the techniques and i get nothing.
"How are you supposed to get anywhere in life if you do not have shiny fur?" My Father would ask.
I would only shrug in reply for I didn't know.
One by one the family members with the shiny fur were taken away until only I remained. I practised the techniques my Father taught me. Making me face zcontort into a scowl and then pushing and pushing. One time a little button popped out whilst I was pushing. To say I was embarrassed would have been an understatement so I pushed it over so it sat by the Furby bear. I never liked that kid anyway.

After that incident I remained to just smile and forget that mt fur didn't have that particular shine to it.
Who cares anyway? I would ponder. They do! A voice in my head would say back to me. When i started smiling i got a bit more interest.
A young girl with brown pigtails  once came up.
'NO!' Her parents had yelled and dragged her away.
On my final day on the shelf a young man came up to me. Why he couldn't have been more than twenty. He soon became accompianied by a heavily pregnant young lady. Who also couldn't be more than twenty years old.
"Wouldn't that one there be perfect?" The guy asked and pointed upwards right at my buttton eyes.
"Simple yet so beautiful. How much is it?" She asked.
The guy lifted me up and checked my tag then showed it to the young lady. She nodded and popped me into the basket. I was soon accompianied by bibs and baby grows.

They took me to their place and put me into a cot. . This is how my story started. I will tell yoh some more later but for now the stitching in my arms is old and weathered and i simply cannot write anymore.


  1. Aw, this was really cute! For about the first paragraph or so I thought it was about a person telling a thing about her teddy bear, not the teddy bear writing a journal entry of a sort herself!

    I have one question. Did you use the stitching in the arms as an excuse for you to stop writing since your arms/hands were starting to hurt?

    1. Correctumondo. My hands were aching yes.

      Haha got ye there then.

    2. Well that was a good way to end it. :)

      Yes, you got me there. Hoping to get a Part 2 to this soon. It was really interesting and cute! :)

    3. aww thanks.

      You will get part two soon. Promise
